Friday, October 31, 2008
me and you
i can do anything that you want me to do
i can make you happy when you're sad
i can make you laugh like mad
i can get you presents that you like
i can pluck you some stars in the nite
i can be with you for as long as i live
i can give you all that i can give
u made me sad sometimes
u made me mad at times
u always keep things from me
u always like someone else but me
u can never think of me
u will never fall for me
u still keep me close to you
u will talk to me when u want to
i still want to think of you
i still want to be with you
i might be angry with u
i might wanna beat you tooo
i knw i juz sae it thru
i will never wanna hurt you
i can still be near you
i might still be in love with you...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
ever felt so sad that you can hear your heart crumbling and cracking like a piece of shattering glass?
ever felt so lost that even a map wouldn't help you make your way to your home toilet?
ever felt so disappointed that you wished that you were never born?
ever been in front of some one you love like hell and bluff them saying that you hate them?
ever see someone like with another guy in front of you?
ever seen them walking around you for more then a few times and you have to fake a smile and sae bye to them?
ever been to the same skool with someone you hate to the core?
ever made friends that will steal your stuffs and backstab you when you least know it?
ever faked like you didn't know they were doing crap behind you?
neither have i...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
my blog is not dead
i still rmb i have a blog la
lazy to update only
its like daes since i turned on my lappy la
went fishing with GJ issa and jacq de other dae...
half way rain la
den didnt catched any fish till like when we was about to leave the jetty
wah met some kind uncles la
helped us made some hooks so easier to catch fish..
i still dun have the photos so nxt time den post it...
ya past few days was rather boring...slack slack onli...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
church peeps are cool
quite fun ah but tiring ah
wah lao
play captain ball with the church people la
den the west people that went were me,chun,zhi,guang,nelson,yong wei,desmond and of course wee chong ah
wah we nice nice spilt up into pairs in our own grps and we seperated into me and guang,chun and weechong,nel and yong wei,zhi and desmond.
fun ah
we won man!!!
but nth in return la
for the fun of it nia
den we went back to my house to bathe , we as in wee chong me and desmond.
den went to the church for a BBQ!
wah eat loads man...gonna burst soon...ate like 30 odd pieces of wings...drank like 10 odd cups of punch...siao ah...
but hey...bonded with the church peopleand made a few new friends !!
dey are cool la
very friendly..
but now i so tired i gonna end soon ah!!
BTW they even made us a little keepsake piece of glass that was hand drawn and i think that its kinda touching ah!
like dey made an effort to do something like dat although its simple ah but its like i appreciate their effort a lot ah...
thks church peeps!
had lots of fun!!
go slp liao
Friday, October 24, 2008
kerman kong kai mun
i sibei sian...
sian dao lao sai...
eh anyone who sees this...
u muz knw...
i'm currently super bored.
why should u all knw this...
its because i'm lonely at school...
no one ask me to pon to go find dem....
sian -ed
no one for me to pon school for ...
dats why muz write dis stupid post...
waste time rite?
successfully spent a few minutes....haha
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
this the season to be jolly
some ass-bitch said my blog full of wills and words and no photo somemore
so i had to do somethings like this when im damn bored at home...bored to death actually

Sunday, October 19, 2008
falling sick soon
i got gastric pains
i lack slp
i lack a little love
and i think i lack rest
now i got wierd moodswings
i fall into depression mode siol
i keep thinking bout death and it sucks man
i dun wanna die man
how i wish everyone and thing can live forever.
but its not fair
lifes like dat...
we live
we die
i hope i can die with loved ones
i wish all my frens would die first
so i wouldnt have to see dem cry when i die...
that would really suck
its not that i want u guys dead man
i mean if we were to die
dun all spam my tag board hor
i love u guys!!!
especially any westies that sees this...
and u oso...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
somethings missing
i lost that feeling one night when i took the bus with someone on the way to her place...
someone told me a wierd news and my heart beat when mind went blur...
she told me it was a lie...but it turned out to be true...she lied bout it being a lie...
i saw her with another guy...i went up to see if it was true...made me look like a damn fool...
i went back down...feeling a little blue...not knowing what to do...but then i see u..
u were walking around with that other fool...not bothering me but i'd mind when u walk around me as if i can't see you two...
then i made up my mind not ever to want to see you...
i told my friends shit about you...
i told them to hit the other fella when they see the both of you...
but in my mind there was still you...
now i lost that feeling...
and i couldn't find it back...
guess my heart is numb now...
thats all thks to you...
if i ever see you...
i wont make myself hate you...
i'll remind myself i once liked you...
and treat u how i used to...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
the newborn
he was scared of his surrounding and well,all he could do was to cry hs heart out to have someone that is warm and loving to hug and kiss him whole day long...
soon,he could see with his little eyes and he could see how little his hands were, who does two people that hugged him whole day long were and also why is the sky blue,why was the grasses green,why was his bathing water warm and nice and also why was there this feeling that something was missing when he didn't have that two people around to hug him all day.
then soon enough,he started to take his toddler little steps and could speak with a limited extent of vocabularies and he would yell out for the two people that always hugged him when he wanted to,the people that kissed him when he kissed them too...
well,that baby grew up alittle so he was brought to a school, to learn and to make friends. to learn how to write his name and to draw out simple shapes and picstures and as soon as he got his little hands on a piece of paper and some crayons, he'll draw out the two people that is always at home waiting to hug hm and ask him about school,the two people that will kiss him in the forehead whenever he comes home in tears when someone scolds him in school.he would never draw anything else because he liked to see how happy that two people would be when he drew them together.
he soon learnt what was exams and what was attending lessons, that became the first two things that he hated,he hated when he gets a scolding from that two person at home when he fails them,he hates it whenever his lessons was always the same time as his favourite TV shows. he hated those two stuufs that he had to do over and over again and soon he realized that he was going to do that for the remaining years when he have to carry on studying.even though he was rather gifted at doing those stuffs that he hated,he didnt like to do them cause he was lazy.he was lazy to stay in that boring classroom and listen to that boring teacher of his, lazy to open up his textbooks and lazy to memorized them all into his head with the least amount of time that was available for him to use up.
then came along the age that he turned rebellious, whatever he is doing now always seems to be wrong to that two person at home. what ever he wants is always too much or too unaffordable for that two person to provide for him. then he found a quite way of getting things that he wanted and it was both fun and free.he would go meet a few of his friends and they would distract the store assistant for the longest that they could and the rest would then get whatever they want to and they would spilt up their collectables after they have successfully got off scott free.
then he began to fly solo,"to hell with friends to help me" he thought.he went in to a certain mall and took an item and sneakily placed it into his bag,but this time, the sales assistant was rather vigilant.he got caught and was brought to the office.he did not know what to do.he panicked and panicked even more when he heard the sales assistant wanted him to call home.
well he had to call home or else he would be brought to the police station and even he knew that it was not a good place to be brought to and it would land him into serious trouble then. about half an hour later,the two person came and he saw the dissapointed look on their faces. he never once forgotten that dissapointed look the two person gave him till the day he died and for the very first time, he cried but the two person didn't kissed him in the head to make him feel better, nor did they hug him to make him feel more warm inside.
they went home solemn and when they reached home, he instinctively apologised ,that was what he thought would make that two person feel better , but it didn't work this time.that two people was in a lost.they began to argue with one another, blaming the other person for not looking after him good enough,not giving him his wants and needs more.
it was the first time he had seen that two person argue in such a serious manner and that left the second deepest impression in his life, how that two person yelled at one another for hours and end up quiet at each of their tiny little corners of the room.
it was then that he was quiet and went back to his own bedroom when the two person didn't notice him and he thought to himself,"hey, i was just unluky,thats all.yeah,unlucky,won't happen if i were to do it again with more care for other watchful eyes around."
well, this time he was careful , how couldn't he be?he was going to steal the mafia's loot they got from extorting their slaveful sources,and he knew he would be in deep trouble if he got caught and it was not going to be as simple as making a phonecall home this time round.But still he got caught,he was too slow and they caught him red handed, he made a run for it but he got cornered within mattter of minutes and the mafia gave him no mercy.
the baby was back into the hospital where he first arrived to this planet. all he was aware of was not the pain in his gut, it was not the fact that he couldn't feel his arms and legs no matter how hard he tried to, but it was the sub-consious fact that it was the second time of his life that he was in a hospital.and it was going to be his last.
the baby was crying now. he was to weak to call out for the two persons at home and so he remembered how he used to do it and so he gave it a try. even though he couldn't really made clear view of what was infront of him, he felt this long lost warmth that he knew he felt before. he cried even more and then, he felt this two kisses on his forehead and he knew, he felt this feeling somewhere before.
well at that very moment, the dissapointed look that he never forgotten, the two person's dissapointed expressions poped up in his mind and he said in his tears"i'm dad...i'm sor.. ry.. .. .."
damn sian...
have to cut liao lo
wah its curling already...
have to wait till 1st of nov to cut and dye...
i think i'm gonna highlight blue i think
or at least golden brown...
but gonna be short ah
hate long hair man
will curl like ripcurl
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
not dead blog ah..
i ws just getting lazy again...
being lazy sucks man...
is like totally no mood one lo
wah sian
today rain siol
tuesday ball dae ah!!
den rain
how can siol...
cya bloggy!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
9th oct o8
my b'dae is over liao
happy happy
damn gan dong la
thks westies!!!this is like de best birthdae i had so far man
thanks goes to alan,arthur,chun hao,zhi hao,ze hao,wee chong, desmond,yong wei ,jackie,samantha,rachel,jayseah,melani,issabelle,roselyn,siwei and jane...
of course other people that were not dere such as shan, johnson and nelson
thks u guys
i think this was the most splendid celebration in west ba...
thks man
i damn touched ah!!!
not only dem but also my W34C-mates
thks all of u all...
thks for the super sweet 5 flavoured ice-cream waffle with choclate syrup coating and a lollipop on top...super great and along was coke and a lot of tibits man
power la...i felt like i grew 10 pounds ah!!!
thks anyway
heart felt feelings ah
and also thks GJ and Sandy!!!
thks for surprising me early in the morning with the oreo cheese cake!!
i knew u guys were planning something
something fishy was going on and i felt it !!!
thks dudes!!!
loved the cake!!!
thks everybody
thks for such a wonderful present!!!
will show de pictures taken on my b'dae!!!
well..nites babe!!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
7th oct
i have a group of not at allperfect but wonderful frenz
i live in a family which could provide for me in anyway that they can
i have a band of brothers that grew up together and spent most of the time with one another.
u all complete me
i thk god thk my mom thk my dad for all this man.
the greatest present u all gave me was nth more expensive.
it was nth nice either
u all gave me life!
i thk u both for living with me, spending time through my nonsenses,giving me protection and still loving me for whatever i had did in the past.
thks mom and dad!!
i wanna thk my frenz too...u guys make my boring life a little more interesting.
u guys made me mad at stupid stuffs
u guys made me laugh at stupid stuffs too
some of u all made me cry
while i made some of u all cry
but hey hey....true frenz are there to make u enjoy ur miserable life...
last but not least,i wanna thk my westies bros
we practically watched each other grow up man
i still kinda remember how we met each other man.
some came and never left
whereas some was like with us since we knew each other.
thk u all man
u all made me into who i am today...i think if i hung out with another clique last time...i would've been dead or worst...a geek...haha
thks people ...
sounds like a will but i assure u all i'm fine \
gd nite
Monday, October 6, 2008
2 more daes man!!
its the 6 th of Oct when i wrote this post so its gonna be 2 more daes to my 18 th birthday man
i feel quite vexed man
i'm in a relationship crisis man
have no special someone to celebrate with me man
its not that my pals aren't special enough but its just that my social circle is right now kinda like paired up man...i sae it out loud and proud that i ENVY dem...its not a matter of enjoying freedom or not but i feel lonely when i see westies slowly have GFs den my school pals are rather active as well...sian
but nvm ah...i want to have a long term relationship 1 ba...i think its sort of a "love retribution" i think...a girl dat i used to like asked me if i believed in this...and i can tell u now that i still believe it...believed it then,believe it now!
i had a relationship that i didn't cherish in the past man...had like this puppy love thing but i kinda lied to her that it was a serious thing but than i broke up with her cuz i think i got bored of it le ba....think that retribution happened..she was the last girl that was my GF...hop that this retribution thingy would just wear off if its true man...haha
enough of the emo flashback man....
i learnt that every person learn from their mistakes....i made a lot of mistakes with relationships in the past man...probably the main reasons why i still dun have a GF i cared too much...den i cared too little...den i didn't even bothered bout her...i think i kinda knw wad crappy stuffs i did le so..ya...thks cupid...thks for not helping me man!
ok liao la
Sunday, October 5, 2008

this is the pic we took like 3 yrs back man!
we all lasted 3 more yrs together as the pervo 5 man!!
we argued,we fought , we slept on each other , we even almost kissed one another....but it still remains de fact that the pervo 5 is still here babe!!
P.S: notice dat in the 3 yrs back photo ,chun forced de kissed....3 yrs ltr he turned straight and rejects me....sob... :(
Saturday, October 4, 2008
super late posting...
went to help Wee chong move house yesterday morning!!
den it took quite a while la but we managed to got all the stuffs out the hse and made our way to marsling in 1 piece man!
den we had to unload Wee chong's old stuffs to his new house and after that~~his parents took us to eat dinner on their treat man!!
we went to eat bah kut teh!and along with some braised pork and some kang kong!
shiok lo....den after dat we went back to tpy to have a DoTA tonning session and some martell his bro gave us~~~
this is the apparent reason why this post came late:)
well there wasn't any kick to the martell...we had no internet...den we used ad-hoc(which sucked BTW cuz not all of us could join the game)....den my bag got drenched cuz the air-con leaked water and some retard left my bag open under the air con...DANGIT!!!
it was all good la!not bad least with my frenz...den we didn't kill each other in betweeb arguements....den we all made it throught the nite in one piece...
she looked me out to go have a drink with ET at panjang? yesterday afternoon but i had to ps her...SRY AH!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
i bought my shoe!!!

yes ah!!!finally boought my shoe liao!!
bought Adiddas SS2G!
team shoe liao lo....i got the same with chun and guang!!
now west got the big three liao lo!!
first is chun-the small big three
next is guang-the medium big three
finally is ME~the literally BIG three...
chun thought of it lo...WTH
den after dat went to TPY blk 222 basketball court to try shoes!
power ah
felt like can do a lot of things with it...
show u all de shoe!
hhaa... but today had to ps ET dey all and also the rest of the class lo...sian...
dey went to watch movie but i didn't knw man...i knew like too last min liao!!
sry ah!!!!
okay la
go slp liao
Thursday, October 2, 2008
tiring dae today man...
went to skool and had a fun time with classmates in class
some pics dat i took dat dae and forgot to upload...

look at her dumb smile...wanna act geek
ya i went to try out Judo todaywith albert,wah hectic siol
have to learn to fall first...muz learn how to fall so not to hurt ourselves...
den have to learn how to fall in all directions...KAO!!...i hit my family treasure when i tried to fall forward la...
lucky not that pain...cuz i STRONG!!!
lol...den went back to tpy den went to meet west peeps...sian...had to miss bball....thursdae lei!!!
how can miss...somemore dey had a ball of a time lo...
nvm nvm
i gonna buy new ball shoe liao!!!
YES aH!!!
have to rest my aching bum liao...
signing off!!~~~
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
You are The Fool
The Fool is the card of infinite possibilities. The bag on the staff indicates that he has all he need to do or be anything he wants, he has only to stop and unpack. He is on his way to a brand new beginning. But the card carries a little bark of warning as well. Stop daydreaming and fantasising and watch your step, lest you fall and end up looking the fool.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
dead stone lo...
have to work somemore...
at work was like stoning the whole dae doing nothing...den went to eat LJS @ cineleisure for lunch...den saw jocelyn tan man..
she work the same place but only now different booth...
so near to her old booth somemore lo...
den went back to work den i saw josiah(i think i spell wrongly)
den saw xuanqing with her BF...enjoy life lo... come i cannot got a GF to shop with de...sian-ed ...
but nvm la...
now at home...doing nth...actually wanted go meet chun weecheong dey all de but too darn tired liao to ps dem...SRY AH!!
okay finish...!!